Saturday, June 18, 2011

Dear Quizzers,

Enquire was glad to see many of you at the Bhavans Chemistry Quiz on June 17 at
BVM Elamakkara. Hope you had as much fun participating as we had conducting it. ^_^

Will soon be uploading pics of that quiz!!

However, Enquire wants to use this forum to tender an apology to the
Chinmaya Vaduthala Juniors team. In the round "All In", we asked "Oxygen?"

The team replied Joseph Priestley, a scientist widely credited with having discovered Oxygen along with Carl Wilhelm Scheele. However our answer was Antoine Lavoisier, the man who classified it as an element and coined the term "Oxygen".

It was our mistake for not having framed the question properly. Sorry, pals...we are only human. :(

Hope to have folly-proof quizzing henceforth.

Yours sincerely,

The Enquire Team


Karthik G V said...

Please upload the pics....

Aditya said...

yeah pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaase