These are the winners from the Enquire Quiz League Curtain Raiser held at Bhavans Varuna Vidyalaya, Thrikkakara on June 25.
Great start to the new season. Congratulations to the winners and to all who participated.
More quizzes coming your way soon.

Winners : Ravi Krishnan & Athul Chacko Philip

Runners Up : Rishwin Jackson and Mathew

Third Place : Rushabh Menon & Bobby
Dear Enquire.
Pls change EQL IV Quiz I to some other date if possible let it be on 9th coz You know most of the Participants are frm Bhavans schools..
It wont be possible for many of us to loose classes..
so pls do the necessary .
Whatever may be the date but not on..23rd, 16th, nor on 29th..
and those whu agree with me pls comment below.. reply..
I completely agree with rahul...9th is the bst available date 4 a lot of us......btw the picture quality is nt too gud?? Rushabh
Even I agree with Rahul and Rushabh
Pls Keep it on 9th.
Please send the notification to all the registered team's schools (@curtain raiser quiz)...!!!
Please, let it be done as fast as possible..!
Dear Quizzers,
We are planning to shift the date of EQL 4 Quiz 1 to July 9. Is it fine with everyone?
Cool ..
This year u guys rock.
Not becoz you changed the date but of the fact that you run ablog and keep it active...
3 cheers..
Last year It was like..
you guys comment once in a month
Yeah keep it on the 9th.
HPis releasing on 15th.
Keep up eith Biz questions..I would recommend u focus on brands like the question on pepsodent.. :P rather George soros..
I BEG U....
it's so soon...
Plz our school is having arts fest on that day, hence the school wont allow to come.
so keep it on 16th itself...!!!!
no!!!!!!!!!!!!!pleese not on 9th!!!!!!
Agreein wid oders...
pls keep d quiz on 16th...
Cmon arts fest?? ppl in 12th nd 11th r risking skool nd spl,classes!!...i tink 9th is the only suitable date in tis month...Rushabh
You will miss some classes for sure. :)
Wats tat supposd to,mean??....i dont hav ny probs with missing classes as i tink its btr to avoid tat situation wenevr possible.....lyk in tis case.. Rushabh
pleese nt on 9th!!!i hav 2 attend a function!!!
What if we change the timing on 16th to 1: 00 pm? That way you wont miss too many classes.
1 O' Clock is just fine....
And Let Varuna be d Venue as it is d most accesible 1...
V hav class till 1 tat wud mean taking a permission lttr frm the principal.....wich lemme tell u isnt easy to do in ma case....Nd wth is the prob with 9th!!...Rushabh
Oh dear on 16th we hav another Quiz..
And any way we 'll miss those stupid classes So it s ok to keep it on 16th or 9th
16th July!!!
Plz, anyway you will miss classes, then what?
Yeh..4gt abt tat...hav another quiz on 16th...nd i really dont wanna miss it !! Rushabh
Anyway ppl are gonna miss classes on 16th..
So a quiz on 9th means, u guys wud miss 2 saturdays...
on 16th, 2 quizzes mean u guys'll be free 4 a saturday..
So 16th wud be better rite??
Pl don't keep the quiz on 9th
@ anonymous...cmon man...tats jst dumb...tat way y go 4 ny quiz?...then v wont hav to miss ny class....i only hav a prob with cutting unneccesarily...nd v dont hav class on 9th tats free nyway!! Rushabh
Dear Quizzers,
Sorry to tell you guys, especially Rushabh...that we cant keep the quiz on 9 July because of organisational problems. So it has to be 16 since even 23 is a working day. Please bear with us.
Will make sure no more quizzes will clash with your classes.
@ Enquire....its f9 guys bt cn u pls try to conduct it in the afternoon on 16...afta 3?...tat way v cn go to skool (attnd the otr quiz wich is at ma skool)...nd then com to enquire....Rushabh
16th is better..... Bhavans 11 nd 12 unit tests bgin on 25th.....
Thx guys...
u can keep d quiz ny saturday... No probs...
make it 16th 2 o clock please ?
oder wise we wil hav to take special permission ! o make it 23rd ..
thers another quiz on the 16th.9th is fine but u gys cnt make it.23rd is also k.again u guys cant make it.
y hasnt nyone thought of the 30th.
that would solve all the problems.
if u gys are keepin it on the 16th...then keep the quiz at 2 thirty 3 cuz then we wont have to mis any class or quiz.
But pls try to keep the quiz on any other date.
Enquire.... u guys must put up an early schedule else itll be difficult for a lot of us to make it.
16th at 3pm wuld be just fine.lets not tamper wit the dates anymore...
u culd keep it on 23rd.dont mind missin classes.
Dudes...xam on 25th remembr??,..nt all of us are CCE!!....As i said earlier 3 pm on 16th is gud enough....Rushabh
30th is ryt in d middle of our xams...
16th is d bst choice...
nd wich quiz is der on 16th....
guys..... 9th would still be the best date.....Matthew
Plz confirm the date and time.
What about notifications?Sent??
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