Friday, August 5, 2011

EQL 4 Quiz 2



VENUE: Bhavan's Varuna Vidyalaya, Thrikkakkara, Kochi


TIME: 10: 00 AM

Spread the word.


Anonymous said...

How ro reach varuna from Ernakulam?

Anonymous said...

Please keep d quiz in the afternoon as sum hav coaching on 2nd saurday morning till 1:45

Nevil.C.Philip said...

morning will do

we have coaching in the evening

Nandu said...

I have coaching till 4.00!!!
Please change the day!!.

Anonymous said...

You have to change the date,enquire.And in future don't keep in 2nd saturdays.

Nevil.C.Philip said...

Actuaaly Second or 4th saturdays are gud

Because bhavans skulz will hav class on second saturdays

Karthik G V said...

@ nevil, So its bad rite?
If dere is skool den its very damn hard 2 miss as we have freaking stuff cald CCE..
And pls change d date as sum may nt b able 2 reach due 2 2nd saturday..

Rushabh said...

M sorry,to,bring tis up do remembr guys those of us in 11th nd 12th,hav aug lst week tis date is ideal...

aswin said...

yup......this dates the best!!!have sum scores to settle!!

Nevil.C.Philip said...

There is correctin in my previous comment

Actually bhavans skulz will hav class on third aturdays

so 2nd and 4rt hsats are the best

Karthik G V said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Not a gud date... Coaching is dere man....

Anonymous said...

aftrnun pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase..........................

Anonymous said...


Pls conduct d quiz at 2:00 PM

Anonymous said...

I'm a supporter of quizzes in d dis tym i want it in d aftrun.... D date shud nt b chng no matter wat....

Anonymous said...

time change pls , v hav avani avittam so pls keep in afternoon

Anonymous said...

wat do u mean v???
i dnt hav no attam....

Nevil.C.Philip said...

Who ever u r anonymous,I know u r the same person in every comment abow.

And Enquire keep it at the sceduled time itself

aswin said... quizzs in the aftrnoon....mornin is the best...

aswin said...

hey neville....srry bt that anonymous was me and the rest was by sum loser...

Krishnaprasad said...

@ Enquire please change the timings 2 d afternoon or postpone d quiz..

Enquire Quiz League said...


suman said...

in the noon

Nevil.C.Philip said...

Morning will do

Rahul said...

Pls change it to after noon

and nevil, It doesnt mean that if post a comment 5 times saying we want the quiz during morning hrs..

We no ur evil plans..

Rahul said...

We hav Spcl class in the morning..

aswin said...


Anonymous said...

I want it to be in the morning and luckily this time it was scheduled so.But have to tell you enquire,in future keep all the quizzes in the 1st or 4th Saturday,coz on second there'll be coaching classes and on 3rd school.So right after a quiz is over,ask everyone which Sat is suitable and decide,coz lots of people will struggle to attend this one.And by the way,aren't mornings much better than afternoons,not only for quizzes but for anything.

Anonymous said...

@Enquire can ya pls change d timings as we 11thies have special classes///

Aditya said...

ENQUIRE pls change the timings or d date.. we all have either coaching or special classes or sumthin lse...

Anonymous said...

Can we register on the day of the second quiz??
because we were unable to come on the first quiz!!

Anonymous said...

That was an awesome quiz!keep up the good work,enquire ;-)However,i've a question.can u conduct a quiz with just 2 people?common enquire, this is called enquire for a reason,it's conducted by enquire,not just two people.and where is seb?is he kicked out of the club or something?haven't seen him for a long while.

Anonymous said...

guys please maintain this level for the questions, it was quite interesting

Anonymous said...

Great standard of questions.. I suggest conductin a Buisness and tech quiz next...cme on we r havin TCS in a month.. Ten a sports and entertainment one..

Enquire Quiz Club said...

Dear Anon,

Enquire executives are College guys who are away from home most of the year. It is only when we have weekends that most of us can go home. So the only exes you will probably see are those who belong to Kochi.
And Seb couldn't make the first few quizzes but he will make it next time hopefully.

BTW next quiz on SEPT 24, 10 pm?

Rushabh said...

Agree with the was quite a gud the little,big,round cud hav been btr...thot zuckerberg nd gates were too obvious,cnncts...also wt happnd to the buzzers.?..nd im nt talkin abt brngin bck anagramania...vr,pretty gud without it...on the all...pretty gud wrk..

Anonymous said...

Sept 24 is good by me.10 p.m. is ok but you say 10 and start at will u start at 10 or some other time?pls tell that.

Participant said...

PLZZ...we have exams on 24th...!!!

Plz keep it on 17th or much more earlier...

butnot 24th Sep!!

Gokul said...

I agree
V also hav xmz on 24th
So keep it on 17th

Anonymous said...

Sept 17 is O.K as well.

......... said...

Sep 11!!! Best Date!!!

......... said...

Sorry..I meant Sep 10...

Anonymous said...

Sept 10 it is.SA 2 on Sept 17 or sometime just after that,FA 2on Sept 3.Or any time around Onam would do as well.

Gokul said...

Hey guys
Post the new standing soon!!!

Jayadev said...

The quiz was awesome!

Vasudev said...

sep 24 , 10 pm is impossible , its at night , u meant 10 am right?

Nevil.C.Philip said...

sept full we have all kinds of exams

FA 2,Models, SA 1

Its impossible to attend the quiz
I think 190th is a gud date

Also dont keep quizzes on oct 18-29

Enquire Quiz Club said...

Hi Quizzers

Thank you for your replies. We want to clarify the time as 10:00 AM, and apologize for the earlier.
As you might all know, Enquire Quiz Club exes are in college, and holding a quiz during the Onam weekend will be extremely difficult.

Thank you for your good comments on the quiz, and we look forward to giving you much more interesting ones in the coming months. We enjoy giving you good quizzes as much as you enjoy attending them.

The new score card will be posted soon.