Rank | School Name | Tally |
1 | Bhavan's Adarsha Vidyala | 462 |
2 | Bhavan's Vidya Mandir Elamakkara | 371 |
3 | Bhavan's Vidya Mandir Eroor | 357 |
4 | Bhavan's Varuna Vidyala | 273 |
5 | Bhavan's Vidya Mandir Girinagar | 154 |
6 | Toc H Public School | 119 |
7 | Assissi Vidyanikethan | 105 |
8 | Vidyodaya School | 70 |
9 | Chinmaya Vaduthala | 56 |
10 | Sandeepani Vidyanikethan | 35 |
11 | The Choice School | - |
12 | MES Udyogamandal | - |
guys can u keep d nxt quiz after our SA-1
keep it on sept1 0
is during the hols
so we can attend
good show u guys... but seriously... is bhavan's adarsha that good?... i think the other schools should have more active quiz participation in quiz clubs... :D
will u be there 4 the next quiz?
also sept 10 is great if u keep it in the morning.
Yeah the quiz must be held in the morning
@Seb: Adarsh's got 3 trophy succesive school championships and 2 out of 3 team championships as u know...
Dat is d measure of the quality of quizzin frm Adarsha!!!!
no more arguments.even seb has said that adarsha isn't that good.too much pride will bring your downfall.and its gonna be this year.
BTW, Adrasha's reign as top school team is over, as for the school standings - i don't really understand, how the hell can they be on top.. c'mon they dont even have a team in the podium.
PS - Enquire, u should really tell us how you tally the school standings
September 10..best one,,!
btw don theri villikal me , am not mr.adarsha
our reign is not over , at least for now :P
Hu is Seb????
Jst bcoz he says Adarsha isnt good dsnt mean dat adarsha is not.........
D scores prove it man!!!!!
guys look at hos 2nd. elamakara wid 2 teams.u guys cd never reach der quality. even wid 5 gud teams u cnt bt dem
in ur face mr adarsha
enquire 1 mr suggestion. u guys mst take d avg f d scores cuz oderwise itll b unfair n teams like girinagar wid just 2 teams
evn elamakkara has only 2 teamzz.....and huw is it that adarsha is still 1st???nt evn 1 team qualified frm that skool!!!!
Hey guys
our school,Toc H has 133 points
Our teams are da teamz placed 13th and 20th
So its 84 + 49=133
plzz rectify itt!!!
That's not how u calculate the scores,u take the average or some complex calculation like that.
reveal yourself and let's see whether u or Seb is better.and really, look at the individual scoreboards and see what that proves.
cmon guys , stop fighting , PS next year enquire is gonna b interesting 1 team from elamakkara , 3 teams from adarsha etc
u guys r sittin in front coz the best 3 teams frm adarsha cudnt make it 4 da quiz.....
d 2 teams in d first 2 spots were participants last year too.... Rushab always ends up bhind Athul nd ravi...
As for ashwin nd rishikesh, dey r sittin der coz d gud teams cudnt make it...
Back at U d all seein eye......
b careful not 2 get a poke in d eye!!!!
@Anonymous: I've heard Sebastians blunders at Enquire Quizzes!!!u'll com 2 knw if u pay close attention to d quizzes.....
Mr.Adarsh vil reveal his identity at d ryt tym...
@All d ppl who hav a doubt on Adarsha's scores:z
top teams Teams Frm Adarsha:
Aditya R ndKrishna Prasad N 165
Karthik Ganpathy V ndVasudev Chakravarti 148
Athul Chacko Philip nd Ravikrishnan Rajeev 104
Suman Mahesh nd Aditya P 101
Do d math!!!!
Enquire: u hvnt tabulated adarsha scores properly. The scores of the top 4 teams together gives 518.
plz do chk it.
thnx 2 all of u,d scores'll b chkd wich widout u wudnt hav been....
Thnx Guys:P
the scores of Vivek Ramachandran and Amith Jose of Adarsha havnt been added!!!
@ enquire dont conduct it on 24th.. We have our Terminal xams from 22nd or sumthin... So pls postpone it..
or conduct it earlier durin our onam vacations...
hey mr adarsha..1st of all hav the guts to cumment wit ur own name!!!and wat do u mean by the gud teams??accordin 2 u matt-rish,nandusohail,rushabh,sachin-rahuletcetcetc r not gud teams???
I neva said dey wernt gud.... I jst said d adarshaites wer better dan den.... All dese teams hav been in d top ten.credits 2 dem.... But d Adarshites hav always been ahead of dem in all d 3 seasons.... And its not our fault dat more teams frm ur schools dont participate..
hey guys
plzz rectify the mistake!!!!
u guys r conducting da quiz in our school,ryt???
We are in the process of checking on the scores and will rectify the mistakes, if any. Regret the inconvenience caused.
We humbly request you to not indulge in any unwanted arguments here, and let the quiz results do the talking.
u said it Enquire, let the quiz results do the talking.
looks like u don't get much support from your own school.sad.
@ enquire plz keep d next quiz after our terminals , sum of us may not be der during onam
woooooooooowwwwwww!!!nycc 1 vasu!!!hu the hell is this mr adarsha guy then???and...mr adarsha....u say that the adarsha teamz r bettr than us we will see the final team standingz...without ravi and the othrz letz see hu will cum in the top 5!!!
We'll see about that 'ass'win
yeah ass win vll see u next quiz
@Mradarsha...wt do u mean i always finish behind ravi nd athul??..gt 2nd lst yr by 10 pts...tats lyk a q nd a half...u tke out the 2nd quiz nd i wud hav won by more tan 60 pts...m the guy to hav won max no of eql quizzes...bt i dnt hav to xplain all tis to u....u tlk ur crap to ppl of ur age...u try to pull crap ovr me...u wont noe wt hit u...u fell ur bettah tan me...challenge me 4 nxt quiz...nd gt wt u nd adarsha deserve...
hey karthik...or mr adarsha....wateva.....without ravi ur skool is lyk shit!!!and by the gud teams did u mean that karthik(hu i think is u) hu has to date only qualified 4 just 1quiz!!!u run ur mouth on and on and on....but huevr u r u will nevr be as gud as rushabh!!!
ur standard of jokes tell me that u r karthik....and huw cum evn people frm ur skool r not supportin the bullcrap u say???
im srry 2 karthik....wrong numbr....but i still hate mr adarsha
cmon guys , u havnt corrected ma scores yet , u hav to add 1 = 7
You can hate me.But you cant beat me :P
You can hate us , but u aint gonna beat us
You can stand in our way , but we are just gonna roll over you
we've already one 3 , how hard is a 4th gonna be ?
Just give up the fight , you guys aint gotta chance
@Mradarsha...ur dialogues seem to suggest ur more of a joker tan a quizzer...makin ur dialogues rhyme doesnt indicate tat the crap ur mouthin is tru....u had won earlier only cos most of u all were hidin under the shadow of 1-2 gud quizzers...as the no. of gud quizzers decreasd ur no. of teams decreasd...also the fact tat ur soo vocal abt adarsha tells me u hav no significnt achievmnt as a quizzer..:D
some may hav hid in d shadows of good quizzers , so wat? even if these 'sum' dint participate we wud hav won , did u kno y d romans were able to conquer europe? it was coz they had d largest army, no1 criticizes coz of dis
hey mr adarsha....jst identify urself...then we will see huse bettr!!...no need if u r afraid to get beaten......
wateva happens v gonna win dis year , DER IS NO DENYING DAT
@Mradarsha...so ur admittin u were winnin only,cos u had lot of quizzers...u wil nvr mtch otr skool in quality....if enquire tuk the avg score of each,skool in consideration...u wont b nywerr in the picture...
we can see whos best come next quiz , until then i request a ceasefire
ceasefire only if u tll us hu u r!!!only then can rushabh beat u!!!
guys when u gonna keep da next enquire?
and barbaric warmongers , when u gonna realize dis is quizzing , not world war III
Vasu u just shut ur **** mouth up.
U from adarsa or not
jst bcuse he aint foolish enuf to fite agianst us dos nt mean tht he is nt frm adarsha.....pleeeese tell us hu u r u f****** excuse 4 a quizzr!!!u run ur mouth on and on 24*7 bt still dos nt tl us hu u r??cmon ur jst scared othrzz will beat u 4 the nxt quiz...thts y u r nt revealin ur identity!!
Quie a gud fight goin on !!!!!!!!!!!!
And Mr adarsha reveal urself if ur not a coward.
shut da **** up mr.adarsha , 1/4 of adarsha's score would come from mine , so you can just shut ur ******* mouth up
and stop fightin u idiot mr.adarsha , just qin da next quiz , y da bloody heck do u hav to start a fight dat will hav no end?
jst listen 2 the people frm ur skul hu hav brains and shut the f*** up!!!
Dear Enquire and all others whu commented before me,
Pls conduct the quiz on 24th because last year you conducted it on 24 th or about the same time , During that time we, the then 10th std'd pleaded to keep the Quiz on sm other day, but it was in vain, and all those whu said to keep the quiz on that day are the same people who are asking to change it now..
@mr adarsha...............SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH......UR JUST COCK SUCKING PRICK WITH NO BRAINS..........
You shut the fuck up you son of a bitch ass hole
Dear Enquire ,
Dont listen to Rahul Varma who is holding a childish grudge . If u conduct the quiz on 24th most of us wont be there
Yours Sincerely ,
@ enquire how do u guy calculate d scores????? coz if its simply by adding the scores of all the teams , then we should have more than 500
hahahaha.....jst wat i wantd to say was said my mr ihatemradarsha......and @rahul we hav exams on tht day...u had it 2 days b4!!!we wnt be able to attend it!!!
Take d fight 2 d fb group.den ur id issue wud b over.
ok gud idea,,,mr anonymous!!
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