Tuesday, October 4, 2011

EQL IV Quiz 3



VENUE: Bhavan's Varuna Vidyalaya, Thrikkakkara, Kochi


TIME: 10: 00 AM

Spread the word.


Nevil.C.Philip said...

Do you mind getting venues other than those in Kakanad(Varuna and Adarsha).Plssssssssssssss

Matttttttt said...


has it spread enough?????

Nevil.C.Philip said...

Online valpadi !!!!!


Nandu said...

Where do you want the quiz to be held Nevil???
At the middle of no-where?????.;D

Matttttttt said...

sry man im not standin on a line..

Nevil.C.Philip said...

Hey Matt will reply to u a Heritae:)

@Nandu-It can be held atleast once at 'middle of nowhere'.But I didnt ask for it to be conducted there.I just asked for sum place other than Varuna or Adarsha.Elamakara is fine>

Rishikesh said...

Could the quiz be conducted in the afternoon. Got a very important exam to write. Some test for some KVPY workshop. I am pretty certain other quizzers are in this same dilemma.

aswin said...

Could the quiz be conducted in the afternoon. Got some very important exam to write.

aswin said...

its not sooooo important to me..

balu said...

isnt varuna the one in kakanad?and i haven't attended any quizzes so far. So can i register tomorrow?

Rushabh said...

morning is f9...aftrnoon makes me sleepy..:)

Nevil.C.Philip said...

I totally agree with rushabh

Die hard pink Floyd Fan said...

Congrats to Ravi and Athul for cracking 2nd in TCS .
toooo buad sachin better luck next time.....hahahaha
Just kidding u'll crack it next yer man

Nandu said...

Oh my goodness!!,Nevil studies in the 'middle of nowhere' and he likes to go to such places only!!!.

Anonymous said...

plz visit ma blog

Anonymous said...

guyss...where is deepak and sebastian??the quizmastr wasnt too clear this tym...

We want Sebastian said...

The questions were not upto the enquire standard this time.

Does everyone agree with me

Matttttttt said...

guys this was that guy's first quiz so u cnt actually blame the qm.spoke to him after the quiz.seemed really releeeved.cant blame him u know. try to think f urself in his shoes.
i think we must give him some more tym b4 assessin him

We want Sebastian said...

I was not complaining about the QM.I said the questions were not too good.(The whole team makes the questions right?)

But still I want Seb

Rushabh said...

Agree wit mat...qm'ng for the first tym is always diff...i noe cos i hav done same...u,cnt really,blame him...he tried his bst...im pretty sure he wil,be waaaaay btr nxt tym..
@enquire...guys brng back the buzzers(nd i dnt mean anagramania)...its no,fun wit normal rounds onli...v need variety..
also guys pls conduct 1 more quiz tis mnth...as u must b aware...u hav to conduct 5 more quizzes...as u dint do 1 in sept...ur due 1...pls do it tis mnth itself cos 12thies hav models,in decembr..so try to do 2 in nov also
tis is a humble request frm a guy hu was wrkd really hard to be at the top nw...nd
dnt wnna lose out due to friggin,xams..

Chacko said...

sm1 plz put up a rport of wat hpnd.
hus d new QM????

TOP 5 said...

Rushabh & Bobby -325
Ashwin & Rishikesh 277
Rishwin & Mathew -275
Sachin & Rahul -241
Nandu & Sohail -233

TOP 5 Ranks of EQL after season IV leg III

Rushabh said...

@Top5 guy...ur scores r rong m8..i hav 332..also kgv also has 240 odd pts...nd nandu i tink has more pts...nd rishwin less?

Rushabh said...

Dnt really,noe abt otrs...bt pretty sure i shud hav 332..

Anonymous said...

The questions weren't good,esp the finals.and if ur a novice u should probably start quizzes for kids b4 u become a QM in quizzes like Enquire.
@ Enquire
do u remember last season when we told u the quiz wasn't good and u made the next quiz ultra hard?that's the sort we want,not boring ones like this.

Vasudev said...

top 5 guy , ur scores r wrong , 1st rushabh , 2nd rishwin , 3rd aswin , 4th nandu sohail , 5th sachin rahul , 6 th me around 10 points or so behind sachin

Nandu said...

Yep you guys are rite.I have 246 pts.

Enquire Quiz Club said...

Dear Quizzers,

Please keep your personal conversations personal. :)

About the new quizmaster, Amal. It was his first time hosting a school quiz but he has hosted college quizzes before. Maybe because he was tired having come all the way from Calicut.

About the easy quiz complaint, sorry. We will make try to do better next time.


The Enquire Team.

aswin said...

the qs wre quite gud in the prelims...wrent too easy eithr...the highest was 10!!no need to make it any tuffr rite??i thot the tuffness was ok....

Rushabh said...

Well..i tink q' shud b harder...nd pls refrain frm directly copyin frm blogs...it ruins the fun...also v wnt new rounds!!

Rishikesh said...

I say we have the next quiz this month itself. Why don't we have the next venue at BVM elamakkara. As far my memory goes, eql was held there just once.

Anonymous said...

oh boy!next ones' gonna be a cracker, mate ;-)

Vasudev said...

@ enquire the QM wasn't bad , he was just a bit nervous and that's okay , the thing was your questions were bad , some of them were easy whereas others no1 cracked , i mean it wasnt level , there weren't any moderate questions.Also the finals were focused on entertainment

@Rushabh , c'mon man this was hard enough , as far as i remember the highest was 10 , 10/25 = 40% , if this was a board exam , i would've just passed , they just hav to level out the questions

Vasudev said...

also can u guys keep the next quiz this month itself plz..... ,

aswin said...

totally with vasu..the qs r hard enuff....blogs are ok too..

aswin said...

with rushabh too abt new rounds...

Rushabh said...

Jst wnna see hw tough it cn realy gt...tats y i wnt toughr quiz....also i second vasu abt the nxt quiz being tis mnth itself...i tink i mentiond it,first actually...

Vasudev said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Where's the Scoreboard?

Anonymous said...

And when&where's the next quiz?

@di_thy@ said...

Scoreboard and next quiz???????

Rushabh said...

guys!! Wer r all of ya? Wens the nxt quiz?? Hold two in nov pls!!!

Vasudev said...

you owe us a quiz in this month

Anonymous said...

please update ur blog

Anonymous said...

Where's the scoreboard?

Anonymous said...

when's the next quiz?

Anonymous said...

Hey dude,,,,,,,,,,,,,
wen is d nxt quiz

Anonymous said...

I can see it,yes,I predict it!
not of the world,but of EQL.
This is by far the worst season ever.
Bad questions,QM's,no Seb and too much inactivity in the blog.atleast comment something,let us know that you're still there.

Rushabh said...

ok...hate to admit tis bt anonymous is rite...tis season has been a lot boring compard to prev ones....ther hav been no innovations...jst the same old boring stuff,,..so guys wake up!

Anonymous said...

yup,you got that right.

Nevil.C.Philip said...

I agree

Anonymous said...


Rishikesh said...

When's the next quiz and where's the scores.

Anonymous said...

Kashtam..any quizes ahead?

Logically Me said...


Rishikesh@elamakkara said...

I assure you, I wasn't the 'Anonymous' above.

aswin said...

anywayss the point iss....this season has been poor...

Enquire Quiz Club said...

Dear Quizzers,

Sorry for the inactivity so far. We had been busy with our mid semester exams, followed by the college tech fest Tathva.

Scoreboard will be put up soon. We hope to hold the next quiz on Nov 12. The venue will be put up on the blog.


The Enquire Team.

Anonymous said...

Pls in the afternoon.I think we have classes that day.

Nevil.C.Philip said...

yeah 12th is gud

But mornings are better!!!!!!!!!!

Nandu said...

Its Bhavans Youth Festival on that day!!!
have you all forgotten it???.

Rushabh said...

hu cares for the youth fest?? onli 1-2 quizzes cud b ter for tat...unfair on otrs to postpone it for tat...nov 12 is f9...nd guys pls conduct 2 quizzes in nov...

Told say ...whats left oh... said...

Can the venue be Eroor (middle of Nowhere) or Elamakkara,or somewer other than Adarsha and Varuna, Since Varuna is impossible coz they have Bhavans Fest,

Pls put up the scores,

Also ,Pls Have some special rounds this time
We also want Seb to conduct this Quiz..

ok also can you conduct a quiz with topics..

any topic but a different one mixing up topics:
like science and sports
History and entertainment
or those wierdest kind of topics that one can never imagine to come up together ...........
We want change....(for mathew P.S: dont Say i have only notes and no change we r talking serious k)

Gokul said...

yeah...12th is gud
bt dnt hav ny sort of specific topics
jst keep it general

aswin said...

yeaahh goood!! fynalliee!!
tru to keep it in the morning...dnt care abt sum youth fest..

Rushabh said...

elamakkara wud b gud...it wud b a gud change...also its quite accessible...

Nevil.C.Philip said...

Yeah agree with you all
12th morning will do

And pls consider changing the venue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are getting tired of Varuna and Adarsha

Gokul said...

Guys...make it fast!!!!

Rishikesh said...

Keep the quiz at elamakkara.It is easily accessible.

Gokul said...

Yeah...keep it @ elamakkara or girinagar

Anonymous said...

Eroor Eroor Eroor Pls........

@di_thy@ said...

12th is gud ......
plssss put up the scoress.....

Nandu said...

It isnt "Some youth fest".I am talking abt the Bhavans Youth festival!!!.

Nevil.C.Philip said...

Dont mind the Bhavans youth fest.

If we have to ask them to keep a quiz in that.

Rushabh said...

ya...hu cares abt boring old bhavans fest....quizzin is way more imp tan the stupid fest..

Gokul said...

V hav skul on 12th...so keep it on 12th itself!!!

Vasudev said...

if u dont wanna come dont come nandu , we dont mind :)
12th is perfect nly prob its just after YW , i dont kno wat kinda emotional condition i'll be in if i dont win

Rushabh said...

@vasu...well..lookin back on the last eql quiz(afta tcs)...nt very gud...bt onli if u hav prepared day and nite for the last 4 months....nd i mean tat literally

Nandu said...

@vasu:I know very well that you wont mind if I am not coming.you guys would be happy then.
I guess thats why you are insisting the quiz to be on 12th.

Anonymous said...

Cut the crap rushabh. Kore undaki!

Anonymous said...

war war war
BTW where is the goddamned quiz?it's already 9th if u haven't noticed.what's it been ?like 2 months?and not even a scoreboard?

Rushabh said...

@anonymous...sachin u cn shut up wit ur crap..atleast i hav won som useless stuff...ur stil a beginner hu hasnt won nyting...so unless u cn do better...stfu

Gokul said...

i dnt think they r gonna hld it on 12th...its 9th already nd enquire hvnt said nytng

Gokul said...

@rushabh...hw dyu noe its sachin???

Rushabh said...

avande dialogue kettu manasalayi..

Gokul said...

hallo...enquire...announce it already nd post the scores

aswin said...

yehh!!..its sachin..his arrogance is well understood from that comment....@vasu..dnt wory man..ul only be sad if u studied very very well...and @nandu..v dont mind u comin..if u r too engrossed in some bhavans fest...v wudnt miss u..thts wat v meant..notin elss..

Anonymous said...

is it just me or is the one so portentous 'eqnuire' becoming quite boring..??

Anonymous said...

I have 2 years. All the time in my life! Haha ur too old rushabh.. And u aint winnin heritage! U stand no chance against eroor in india!:D UR SCREWD HAhaha!

Rishikesh said...

Stop fighting guys and enquire , where are the scores. &Mr anonymous above you have no right to disrespect elamakkara.

aswin said...

hey rishi..refer to him as sachin..yeh man v wil c...

Rushabh said...

@sachin...i had still won more than u in 10th...nd wil always b betr than u...live wit that..

Anonymous said...

I mean Sachin can suddenly win something,can't he?a quick claim to fame?then it wouldn't matter whether Rushabh did this or that while he was in 10th.I ain't taking anyone's side,just reminding all of fate and destiny and such crap.

aswin said...

nope...sachin wont win anythin big...everrr...

lets see who will reply first said...

The person whu comments below is loser

if the person try to use anonymous
he's a crap

if the person insult me
he sucks

Anonymous said...

Sachin will kick ashwins ass in heritage india quiz 2012 and tcs it wiz 2012...sure...!! hahaha aswin will cry and he will videotape tat...!!!He is a pavam quizzer nt any big time puli like The JuGGErnaut RushabH!!!

Anonymous said...

@lets see who will reply first...tan entaod LKG padikukya? kashtamm..and rushabh is goddddd!!! such a gud and freindly and freak quizer!!

aswin said...

da chekka..sachin...ur cheap tactics not here...

aswin said...

btw..u beat my ass in heritage and i agree ur bettr than me...this dosnt apply if eroor beats me..sachn has to be in the team...

Anonymous said...

Just wait an year Aswin..ur dream will cme true..

Rishikesh said...

Sachin, out with your cheap comments .

aswin said...

yehh sachin..il be w8n!

Rushabh said...

nov 15... All hell's gonna break lose..

Anonymous said...

tanikum vechitunde rishikesh..Just wait a year..

Anonymous said...

rushabh is gonna Put his best performance tis year at heritage..!!!

aswin said...

da patti sachin...1st hav the guts to cumment with ur own name!!..lets see man!!..u wont do crap!!..had enuff of u running ur mouth on and on...just for once show it on the stage...then v wil giv u the respect that u claim!!

Anonymous said...

If u have the guts ashwin go lonewolf and win a SINGLE quiz witout rishikesh! And i wil shw jst wait!

Anonymous said...

Im a pavam quizzer, u cn beat me easily bt next years heritage is smetin im m nt gna loose to elamakara

Rishikesh said...

Sure man, I'm ready to wait.

aswin said...

da sachin..win one quiz atleat with a aprtner!!..and y shud i go lonewolf just to prove sumthin to u??..i came alone lat tym and still beat u in the prelims rite??..so stfu!!..AND ABT NEXT YEAR..LETS C MAN...DONT BE TOO OVRCONFIDENT OF BEATIN US...

aswin said...

da..and rishi bcame my partner only in 9th!!..i hav won quizzes b4 that...much mor than ur entire collection!!...so plees dont tok man..

aswin said...

and man...its gudd that i stick to one oartner unlike u..and i dont say crap about him bhind his back like u do to all ur partners...no wondr u cant stay with one partner..

Anonymous said...

Crap! :D lets nt say wat u have said abt ur poor rishi and oters.. Im sorry 4 the harsh cments bt ashwin neednt be cnfidnt tat he cn win heritage next year.. Ur onn

aswin said...

da chekka..plees i beg u..tell evry1 wat i told about rishi...i kno vrey well that i didnt say anythin bad about him...excpt that he acts gay...did i evr say that he dosnt answr??or he is useless??lyk u say abt all ur partners lyk abhijith or rahul??...and sachin..i was nevr confident of winning heritage..u wre...i just said that il beat u..i nevr said im winning it...